xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> Growing Smiles: February 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sneak Peak at the New Junior Jayhawks Logo!

You guys are the first to see the new Junior Jayhawks Logo!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sipping, Snacking and Tooth Decay

Now more than ever, kids are faced with a bewildering array of food choices -- from fresh produce to sugar-laden processed convenience meals and snack foods. What children eat and when they eat it may affect not only their general health but also their oral health.

Americans are consuming foods and drinks high in sugar and starches more often and in larger portions than ever before. It’s clear that ―junk foods and drinks gradually have replaced nutritious beverages and foods for many people. For example, the average teenage boy in the U.S. consumes 81 gallons of soft drinks each year! Alarmingly, a steady diet of sugary foods and drinks can ruin teeth, especially among those who snack throughout the day. Common activities may contribute to the tendency toward tooth decay. These include grazing habitually on foods with minimal nutritional value, and frequently sipping on sugary drinks.

When sugar is consumed over and over again in large, often hidden amounts, the harmful effect on teeth can be dramatic. Sugar on teeth provides food for bacteria, which produce acid. The acid in turn can eat away the enamel on teeth.

Almost all foods have some type of sugar that cannot and should not be eliminated from our diets. Many of these foods contain important nutrients and add enjoyment to eating. But there is a risk for tooth decay from a diet high in sugars and starches. Starches can be found in everything from bread to pretzels to salad dressing, so read labels and plan carefully for a balanced, nutritious diet for you and your kids.

Reduce your children’s risk of tooth decay:

- Sugary foods and drinks should be consumed with meals. Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acid production and rinse food particles from the mouth.

- Limit between-meal snacks. If kids crave a snack, offer them nutritious foods.

- If your kids chew gum, make it sugarless – Chewing sugarless gum after eating can increase saliva flow and help wash out food and decay-producing acid.

- Monitor beverage consumption – Instead of soft drinks all day, children should also choose water and low-fat milk.

- Help your children develop good brushing and flossing habits.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Link Between Your Smile and Overall Health

According to a recent study, dental experts have found a correlation between oral health and some serious diseases.

The ADA has noted that only 10% of the US population flosses everyday. Failure to properly floss can lead to swelling and inflamation of the gums which is called gingivitis. About 70 percent of adults have some form of gingivitis.

According to a recent article:

“When there’s chronic gum inflammation, bacteria byproducts start accruing around the roots of the teeth,” Dr. Levine describes. “If the wall of the gum tissue gets too inflamed, it can thin to a point where it’s permeable. There are these micro-cuts in the gum lining, almost like tiny cuts on your finger. With the gum opened, there’s a pathway — a portal of entry for bacteria to get into the bloodstream.”

The current thinking is that when these bacterial byproducts enter the bloodstream, they end up nicking the walls of the arteries. As the immune system dispatches its cellular soldiers to heal the nicks, there’s a cascade of inflammation that eventually leads to clot formations and plaque buildup in the arteries.

“There have been studies showing that the plaque from periodontal disease is the same plaque that builds up on the carotid artery,” says Dr. Levine. “So now you’re at risk for cardiovascular disease, or CVD. And if the plaque gets dislodged, you’re looking at the potential for a stroke.”

Good oral health habits start early! Make sure your kids brush and floss regularly so that they can avoid these serious health problems later in life. Most studies suggest that kids who brush and floss early in life and regularly visit the dentist will carry these good habits into adulthood. If you need any suggestions with how to help you kids with brushing and flossing, check out Teeth 101 on the Growing Smiles website!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Celebrating National Children's Dental Health Month

Every February, the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Children's Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. Growing Smiles is participating again this year by visiting local Douglas County elementary schools and presenting on the importance of developing good habits at an early age. Staff members use age appropriate puppets and talk with the kids about why teeth are important, how to keep teeth clean, what foods are healthy snacks and what to expect at their dental visit. Scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums! For more information on National Children's Dental Health Month, visit the ADA National Children's Dental Health Month Website. If you would like your child's class to be included in one of our presentations, please contact us at 785-856-5600.